Profile Picture of Josue de Santos

Josue de Santos


I’m Josue, a software developer and educator living in Guadalajara, Mexico.

I love technology since I was a child, remember pretty well the terminal was one of the very first things I learned when I was 12, till then my whole life has been around computers. Life has taught me through trial and error that things are learned thoroughly, starting from the root. I love trees and nature by the way.

That's why I spent 6 months learning Computer Science by taking a course certification from Harvard University, right after I decided to jump in to a higher level and started a Full Stack Engineer professional certification from Codecademy, which I'm currently finishing.

Knowledge is nothing without sharing with others, that's what I think. And for that exact same reason I started to give one-on-one classes teaching CS50x in Spanish, which is not available in this language, documented everything, and uploaded it to Youtube.

Hiking, travel and photography are my main of thousands of hobbies, which you can check on my blog

I'm currently looking for a job as a software developer, so if you are interested in my profile, please contact me at
